About Us

RIGHTTHERE Corporation (RTC) strongly advocates that both innocent citizens and police officers return home safely. RTC Supports Law Enforcement in their duties to serve and protect our communities. We believe that all individuals should be protected equally by trained and skilled Police Officers. However, RTC is strongly against police misconduct, lack of transparency between the Police Departments and the community, and the lack of de-escalation training, which is not mandated in every state. All individuals should be treated equally with respect, given the benefit of the doubt and not presumed guilty because of the color of their skin.

What We Do

RightThere Corporation stand in the light with educational tools, RTC Protech App & Supportive services. We are here to empower all communities that face anxieties about the growing violence in America.

Our Mission

  • To prevent police misconduct, reduce civil rights violations and make justice work for all.
  • We want to support good policing practices and hardworking police officers who serve and protect our communities.
  • Our goal is to provide a solution to out of control police officers.
  • RightThere wants to see all communities treated equally and fairly as other citizens in the United States.
  • We want to see safer neighborhoods and a reduction in dangerous encounters.